quinta-feira, 29 de maio de 2008

Verb have got- ter

Simple Present
Intorrogative Form

Have I got?
Have you got?
Have he got?
Have she got?
Have it got?
Have we got?
Have you got?
Have they got?

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2008

Verb have got- ter

Simple Present
Negative Form

I have not got= I haven't got
you have not got= you haven't got
he he hasn't got
she = has not got =she hasn't got
it it hasn't got
we have not got=we haven't got
you have not got= you haven't got
they have not got= they haven't got

Verb have got- ter

Simple Present
Affirmative Form
I have got= I've got
you have got= you've got
he he's got
she = has got= she's got
it it's got
we have got= we've got
you have got= you've got
they have got= they've got

domingo, 18 de maio de 2008

Rectas, semi-rectas e segmento de rectas

recta AB

semi-recta CD

segmento de recta AB

domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

When,Who,Where and What

When- quando

Who- quem

Where- onde

What- que, o que, qual

When is your birthday?

It's in July

Who is she?

She's my sister

Where are you?

I'm at school

What do you choose?

I choose pizza for my lunch

At,On and In

At-horas, parte do dia.

On-Dias da semana, datas.

In-Partes do dia, meses do ano, estações do ano,anos.


12:oo- It's midday
12:05- It's five past midday
12:10- It's ten past midday
12:15- It's quarter past midday
12:20-It's twenty past midday
12:25- It's twenty-five past midday
12:30- It's half past midday
12:35- It's twenty-five to thirteen
12:40- It's twenty to thirteen
12:45- It's quarter to thirteen
12:50- It's ten to thirteen
12:55- It's five to thirteen
13:00- It's thirteen o'clock

Verb to be

Simples Present
Affirmative Form

I am=I'm
you are=you're
he is=he's
she is=she's
it is=it's
we are=we're
you are=you're
they are=they're

Simples Present
Negative Form

I am not=I'm not
you are not=you're aren't
he is not=he's isn't
she is not=she's isn't
it is not=it's isn't
we are not=we're aren't
you are not=you're aren't
they are not=they're aren't

Simples Present
Intorrogative Form

Am I?
Are you?
Is he?
Is she?
Is it?
Are we?
Are you?
Are they?

Jobs (Profissões)

a shop-assistant- empregada de balcão

a nurse- a enfermeira

a model- a modelo

a doctor- o médico

a taxi driver- o taxista

a teacher- o professor

a paint- o pintor

a borry driver- o camionista

an actor- o actor

an actress- a actiz

a footballer- o jogador de futebol

a singer- o cantor/a cantora

a waiter- a empregada de mesa

a engineer- o engenheiro

a journalist- o jornalista

a farmer- o agricultor

a scientist- o cientista

a housewife- a dona de casa

quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008

Diversidade nas plantas

Quanto ao meio em que se desenvolvem, as raízes, em geral, são subterrâneas, mas também as há aquáticas e aéreas. As raízes apresentam, igualmente, várias formas.
Uma planta com flor é constituída por raiz, caule, folhas, flores e frutos.
Quanto ao meio em que se desenvolve, a raiz pode ser: subterrânea, no interior do solo-como acontece na roseira; aquática, na água-caso da lentilha d'água; e aérea, no ar, por vezes a fixar a planta aos muros-o que acontece na hera.
A forma, a espessura, as dimensões e a consistência (firmeza) da raiz também são variáveis.

quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2008

Raízes tuberculosas comestíveis

Batata-doce – Planta herbácea da família das Convolvuláceas. O seu nome científico é Ipomoea batatas. Originária da América do Sul, é cultivada em tropicais e subtropicais. As suas raízes são tuberculosas, feculentas e açucaradas; os caules são longos e rasteiros e as folhas variam de forma. As suas flores nascem agrupadas nas axilas.
A batata-doce é utilizada como alimento, sendo consumida cozida, assada, frita ou no preparo de massas. É usada também como planta ornamental caseira, por causa de sua linda folhagem. Não é aparentada com a batata comum e o inhame.